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If illustrations are available in PostScript form, they should be supplied on the disk accompanying the manuscript. Each illustration should be supplied in a separate file and should be sized to fit within the text area (126 by 206mm) of the journal page. If corrections to the illustrations are required, they will be indicated on the page proofs, and authors would be expected to resubmit an amended PostScript file. The figure captions should not be included in PostScript files.

Artwork not electronically incorporated into the manuscript should be supplied as originals on plain paper for photographc reproduction. A distinct black image must be supplied. Copies reproduced on raster devices are acceptable only if they have a resolution greater than or equal to 300 dots per inch. Drawings must be about twice the final size and the lettering must be clear and pen, and must be large enough to be reduced in the same proportion to a final size of about 8 pt.

Half-tone illustrations are to be restricted in number to the minimum necessary. Good glossy bromide prints should accompany the manuscript and should not be attached to manuscript pages. Prints from existing half-tone illustrations cannot be accepted. Photographs should be enlarged sufficiently to permit clear reporduction in half-tone after reduction. If words or numbers are to appear on a photograph, two prints should be sent, the lettering being clearly indicated on one print only.

Colour illusrations will be accepted only if the costs are borne by the authors.

All printed items of artwork or illustrative material should be clearly identified on the back in pencil with the author's name and the Figure number.

Steve G Probets
Mon Jan 9 13:36:25 GMT 1995