Submission of accepted papers

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Submission of accepted papers

All accepted papers should be submitted to the Managing Editor, at the above address, in final form. A machine-readable version of the paper should be accompanied by one master hardcopy generated from the file submitted on disk.

Machine-readable submissions are preferred in , style files for which are available from the Managing Editor. In future then will be available using WWW. Authors are urged to use these style files. If any other style files need to be used, they should be included on the disk together with the source files. users should also include on the disk the .bbl and .bib files.

Macros are also available for troff.

If authors use any other typesetting software, the disk supplied should include a plain ASCII file as well as the formatted file, and the hardcopy of the paper should indicate any specific and special layout or formatting requirements (e.g., bold, italic, special characters, etc.).

Steve G Probets
Mon Jan 9 13:36:25 GMT 1995