Electronic Publishing--Origination, Dissemination and Design (EPO)

Cumulative Index

This World-Wide Web page is a reference tool for the Wiley's Electronic Publishing journal, EP-odd. To find out more about EP-odd, simply click on the message given below. When you have decided which journal you are most interested in, click on this journal title under the Select Journal header. You can then choose to either browse a complete list of articles published in the journal until end 1995, or search the list with a user-specify query. Selecting the search option will bring up a form to be filled in with the search criteria.

Please see the EP-odd home page (click here) for more information about EP-odd and some sample papers.

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These World-Wide Web pages and software were developed by David Evans and Peter Sutton of Merlin Open Systems for John Wiley and Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK.